Our Lady of Fatima Council 7755 was chartered March 30, 1981.
Forty-one names appeared on the charter. One of those names was
Philip J. Fowler.
Mr. Fowler died four years later, and his name is the first name on the plaque below.
There are a total of 67 names of deceased members on the plaque each one making a commitment to the
Knights of Columbus
its principles of
- Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism -.
Our Council is 43 years old, with 117 members [not all of them active] and still committed to these principles. We are supportive of priests, seminarians
(Jake Snyder is a seminarian from St. John Neumann parish
a current active member of the Knights of Columbus),
our police, our service men and women, the unborn and more.
Pray for each of the men listed on this plaque
and encourage other men to join the Order and
continue the work started March 30, 1981.